Saturday, July 2, 2011


  •                     Keep it clean.
                        Drink eight glasses of water every day to keep it hydrated.
                        Use an alcohol-free toner to clean out pores.
                        Don't tug and pull the skin around your eyes. Be Gentle.
                        Don't take steaming hot baths or showers because it has an immediate drying affect. Keep it short.
                        After bathing, pat dry your skin and apply a body lotion to seal in the moisture.
                        Save heavier moisturizers for nighttime. Use light ones under makeup.
                        If your skin is sensitive, it's best to look for products and cosmetics that prevent irritation.
                        Exercise will increase your circulation and give your skin a healthy glow.
                        Exfoliate once a week including your neck and upper chest area.
                        Rinse your face in cool water to close your pores. This will help reduce their size.
                        After showering, apply lotion to your elbows, knees and feet.
                        Lemon juice doubles as a facial mask and pore-reducer.


  1. hi melisha its super i wishing u all the best,
    i try to comment to u in tamil, but its not suported ok
    again i wish u all the best
