Tuesday, April 17, 2012

                                  Make your own makeup brush holder

                                                             Here’s what you’ll need,

1. Plastic holder
2. Measuring tape
3. Scissors
4. Ruler
5. Glue sttick
6. Pen
7. wrapping paper
8. Hair band
                                                        Let's Begin :) 

           Measure the holder from top to bottom with extra 2 inches. 
           (4" + 2" = 6") 
                       Measure the perimeter with extra 1/2 inches 
                       (11" + 1/2" = 11 1/2")  
                                   Measure the paper in 6" x 11, 1/2"
                                                     Draw the line
                                                   Cut off the piece
Now cut about 2 inch lines from the outside of paper to the line (this will help the paper to fold over the edges of holder without looking bulky or sloppy)
Add glue to paper  (make sure to coat the edges very well)

Wrap paper around holder, smoothing out any bumps along the way (be sure not to overlap paper on bottom of holder, paper should sit flat to the surface)
                                     Fold edges and paste into holder
         At last, put the band around the holder and set it as your wish. 

                                                                         Your done!
                                  My new Makeup Brush Holder set :) 

Hope u all enjoy it :) try me...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Wish you all A Merry Christmas,
May the Joys of the season
Fill your heart with goodwill and cheer.
May the chimes of Christmas glory
Add up more shine and spread
Smiles across the miles,
on the day & In the New Year!

Have a wonderful christmas with colorful nail arts... :)

                                                                     Christmas tree
                                                                   Baby santa clous

                                                                      Candy canes

                                                                   Cupcake delight

                                                                        Holly leaves

                                                                         Red Bells
                                                                         Glitter wrap
  Snow man

I hope that u all will enjoy my nail arts...  Try me :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Homemade Lip Scrub Recipes

Flaky lips are uncomfortable and unattractive. Here are some homemade lip scrubs recipes to get smooth and soft lips.

 Flaky lips are very uncomfortable & look bad and unappealing as well. To remove the dead skin layer
 from your lips and  improve their appearance you can make your own  homemade lip scrubs  with these recipes:

Honey Lip Scrub
You will need the following:
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • a few drops of olive oil
Mix the honey and baking soda until a smooth paste is formed.
Apply the mixture on your lips and leave it on for a few minutes then gently rub the lips to remove dead skin.

Wash your lips with water and apply olive oil or lip balm on your lips to moisturize them.

Sugar Lip Scrub
Mix a small amount of coarse sugar with a few drops of water.
Apply the mixture onto lips and gently rub it in. Wash with lukewarm water and apply olive oil or vaseline to moisturize them.

Salt & Sugar Lip Scrub

Mix salt, white sugar and vaseline. Apply the mixture on your lips and gently rub the mixture to remove dead skin cells.
Wash your lips with water and your lips will be soft and smooth.
Use 2 or 3 time a week if your lips tend to be very dry and flaky.

For that plump up look try brushing lips gently with a mixture of olive oil and cayenne pepper(fine ground) but beware, this is HOT! Wash off and pat dry..wow plump lips!!
                                                                        Try me :) 


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is simply dead skin shedding from your head at a fast rate. Almost everyone has had dandruff at some point to one degree or another. People with a strong degree of dandruff will experience an itchy scalp.
Causes of Dandruff:
The following are items that may cause dandruff:
Hormone imbalance.
Excessive perspiration
Allergic reactions
Excessive stress
Poor hygene
Poor nutritioin/health
Lack of sleep
Inherited genetic trait
Inadequete shampooing and rinsing of the hair.
Tight fitting hats.
Excessive use of hair styling products (gel, mouse, hair dye, hair curler...)
Cold weather
Dry enviroment.
Excessive Heat
Even though dandruff is known as the drying of the scalp, it is most common in people with oily hair.

Dandruff Treatment
Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff yet (once you get it you may continue to have it), but there are ways that you can control and limit dandruff.
  • If you have only a mild case of dandruff, shampooing your hair with a regular shampoo daily or twice a day will usually do the trick.
  • Start out by trying a mild shampoo. Stronger shampoos can irritate and dry out your hair making dandruff flaking worst.
  • If your standard shampoo doesn't get rid of your dandruff, buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and your dandruff condition should improve signifigantly in a couple of weeks.
  • Picking the right shampoo for your hair can be a process of trial and error, try out different shampoos to see which one works best for you and also rotating shampoos periodically can be good for your hair.
  • Once you have found an anti-dandruff shampoo that works for you, keep on using it or your dandruff will most likely reoccur.
  • If you think you may have a severe case of dandruff, it is advised that you set up an appointment with a dermatologist.
  • Lather and rinse twice when using anti-dandruff shampoos, the first time cycle will clean your scalp, the second cycle will medicate it.
  • Poor health may be the cause of your dandruff, so be sure to get enough sleep, eat nutritiously, and avoid stress inducing activities.
  • Something in your diet may be causing you to have an allergic reaction and trigger dandruff to occur. Try limiting your diet and see if your dandruff gets any better. Some foods that commonly cause an alergic reaction causing dandruff include nuts, choclate and shellfish.
  • If you have to scratch your head, avoid using your fingernails to scratch (you'll risk an infection if you do). Instead use the pads of your fingers.
  • Wear a hat outside on days that are extremely cold, windy, and when you're going to be out in the sun for a lengthy period.
  • Use a humidifier to keep the air moist.
  • Limit the use of hair coloring and hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.
  • Make sure that you get an adequate ammount of B6 in your diet, which will help prevent dandruff.
  • Massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers in a circular motion to increase circulation.

      Wednesday, November 2, 2011

      Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Pimple Marks

      Meanwhile, if the pimple marks are minor, you can try out some of the home remedies to remove them or help them fade away.

      • Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder and gram powder with water. Apply this paste on your face and leave for about an hour before washing it off with cold water.

      • Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and milk cream to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face and let it dry up naturally. Once the paste has dried up, wash your face with cold water.

      • Massage your face gently with olive oil or almond oil every day. These oils provide essential nutrients to the skin and help repair           damaged skin.

      • Rub your pimple marks with lemon juice regularly. This may help fade the pimple marks.

      • Rub your face with freshly cut slices of vegetables like potato, cucumber, or tomato. This will help cleanse your skin and also help the pimple marks to fade away.

      • Use a mud pack prepared with Fuller’s earth to help exfoliate the dead skin cells. Use of mud face packs will help scrape off dead cells and also help in the regeneration of new skin.

      • Apply aloe vera gel to wash off your face regularly. Aloe vera gel is beneficial for the skin and can help fade the pimple marks with prolonged use.
                                                                :) Try it... get good result!!!

      Saturday, September 3, 2011

      Characteristics of Skin types

      Normal Skin
      ·         The pore size is small or medium.
      ·         The moisture content is good.
      ·         The skin texture is even.
      ·         The color is healthy (because of good blood circulation).
      ·         The skin elasticity is good.
      ·         The skin feels firm to the touch.
      ·         The skin pigmentation is even-colored.
      ·         The skin is usually free from blemish.

      Dry skin
      ·         The pores are small & tight.
      ·         The moisture content is poor.
      ·         The skin texture is coarse & thin, with     patches of visible flaking skin.
      ·         There is a tendency towards sensitivity.
      ·         Premature ageing is common, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles, seen especially around the eyes, mouth & neck.

      Oily skin
            ·         The pores are enlarged.
      ·         The moisture content is high.
      ·         The skin is coarse & thick.
      ·         The skin is sallow in color, as a result of the excess of sebum production, dead cells become embedded in the sebum, and the skin has sluggish blood & lymphatic circulation.
      ·         The skin tone is good.
      ·         The skin is prone to shininess.
      ·         There may be blemishes, black & white heads, pimples on the oily  skin.
      ·         There may be uneven pigmentation.
      Combination skin
            ·         The pores in T zone are enlarged, while in the cheek area they are small to medium.
      ·         The moisture content is high in the oily areas, but poor in the dry areas.
      ·         The skin is coarse & thick in the oily areas, but thin in the dry areas.
      ·         The skin tone is good in the oily areas, but poor in the dry areas.
      ·         There may be blemishes black & white heads, pimples on the oily skin at the T zone.

      Wednesday, August 3, 2011

      Home made eye care tips

      Eye care

      Eye is the most sensitive and the most beautiful part of our body.Eye needs lots of care and attention, especially in this hectic life style. Spending most hours in front of computer systems, and with so much of pollution in the atmosphere, eyes-related disease, poor vision, and irritaion in eyes have become common.
      Today it has become very important for everyone to give proper care and attention to this delicate
      sense organ to keep it healthy and beautyful.
                                                                  Treatment for eye care

      potato plays an important role in keeping eyes healthy and is very good
      for eye care. Take small rounded piece of potato and put it over your eyes.
      leave the potato slice for 10-15 mins and then remove it. It keeps eye stress
      free and lustrous.


      Cucumber too plays the same role as potato. Keep small round slice of
      cucumber over your closed eyes. Keep it for 10-15 mins, this will releif from
      eyes pain and stress.

      Rose petals:

      Take 10 petals of fresh rose, mix it with rassberry leaves, put this in the
      glass of water. allow it to stand for few hours and then wash your
      wyes with it. This gives fast relief to the day long tiring eyes.
      It also is a great medicine for the treatment of cataract.

      part from all the above mentioned home remedies, one should
      always avoid his eyes getting dried. Dry eyes cause severe pain and
      later result in severe eye infection. Hence, always wash your eyes with cold water
      3-4 times a day, especially when coming from out side. Another
      important thing that should never be avoided is intake of fluid
      like water and freshly prepared fruite juice. water and other fluids have
      lots of positive effect in keeping eyes and the entire body system
      healthy and glowing.